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Dr Lisa Newson, Prof Doc; C.Psychol; FHEA; CMgr FCMI.

Dr Lisa Newson, Prof Doc; C.Psychol; FHEA; CMgr FCMI.

Dr Lisa Newson, Prof Doc; C.Psychol; FHEA; CMgr FCMI. Registered Practitioner Psychologist (Health), Health and Care Professions Council, UK.
Reader in Applied Health Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, UK.
Associate Director Research and Innovation, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Trust, UK.
International Society of Behavioral Medicine, Organizational Liaison Chair

Dr Newson has varied experience as a Chartered Psychologist and HCPC Registered Practitioner Psychologist (Health) in the UK. She is a proud innovator of applied health psychology and has experience across the full spectrum of application within academia and healthcare practice.

Dr Newson has focused her academic career on engaged scholarship, applying knowledge exchange, applied research and creating change in real-world healthcare and community environments to benefit users. Engaged impact is achieved through her applied research to inform policy and strategy developments worldwide (instrumental impact); the promotion and development of health psychology and behavioural medicine (capacity building impact); and through conceptual impact, changing ways of thinking about healthcare practices, creating impact through initiating knowledge and connecting professions together through (network and creativity impact).
Recently Dr Newson, has commenced a part-time position within Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Trust, as a Associate Director of Research and Innovation seeking to embed evidence-base research into clinical practice, enhance research capacity and develop research streams bringing together mental and physical health needs of patients.

Recognised for her expertise and global involvement, Dr Newson is currently Chair of the Organisational Committee for the International Society of Behavioral Medicine representing 27 countries. This position spearheads information exchange with relevant international health-related scientific organisations seeking to promote networking and capacity building across behavioural medicine.

Dr Newson's expertise influences health prevention (overlapping with public health) and is applied directly to the management of long-term conditions. Her previous experience within the NHS, as a clinical practitioner; within Public Health commissioning & management and as an applied researcher through academic-health collaborations, helps her to bridge the 'knowledge-language gap’ and add value between the ambitions and needs of academia and those working within healthcare. Dr Newson has applied research activity with partners in Australia, Singapore, Morocco and Brazil, for which her contribution seeks to 1) ensure the research implementation benefits the service users themselves and 2) the research evidence seeks to change real-world healthcare and community practice.

Transforming Healthcare through Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine: Integrating Mental and Physical Health for Optimal Outcomes

This presentation will explore the critical role of health psychology and behavioural medicine in revolutionising healthcare practices. This keynote will delve into the potential of integrating psychological principles to enhance physical health outcomes, especially in managing chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. We will examine how advancing health literacy in cardiac rehabilitation can improve patient engagement, adherence, and outcomes. Emphasis will be placed on the inclusion of psychological techniques that support clinical outcomes for individuals with cardiovascular disease who may also experience anxiety and depression.
The discussion will extend to diabetes services, where embedding psychological care is vital for sustainable self-management and quality of life. We’ll also address obesity from a psychological perspective, viewing it not only as a disease but one that requires robust psychological support to mitigate risks associated with bariatric surgery and to ensure patients are holistically prepared for such interventions.
This presentation will emphasise the importance of unified care approaches that do not compartmentalize physical and mental health but rather integrate them, advocating for health psychology as a vehicle to drive this change. Through behavioural medicine, we have the potential to create healthcare practices that are truly patient-centred, inclusive of the mental and physical dimensions of health for comprehensive care transformation.

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